Monday, July 11, 2011


In my experience is hard trying to raise children when there is only minimum wage jobs and you have to work harder in order to make end meet and it doesn't leave us enough we need to make  a little more time for our children's life.


  1. The children need the support from their families to get a better future, the parents have to work hard for their goals.

  2. It's not easy to support a child and be there for a child at the same time. Which is why in your spare time try to do something memorable and beneficial to you and your child/children.

  3. Fransico-
    The children need the support from their families to get a better future, the parents have to work hard for their goals. We as parents have to work hard to give our children everything they need,want and deserve cause in the long run it will be worth it.

  4. Bo$$ Lady-
    Yes you need to spend as much time as possible to teach and show your children life cause its getting really hard out here.
